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2024年06月11日 12:05  点击:[]












[ 个人基本情况


(1) 2014-09 至 2018-11,华北理工大学,化学工程与工艺,学士

(2) 2018-09 至 2023-06,河北工业大学,化学工程与技术,硕博连读


(1) 2023-10至今,湖北汽车工业学院,365平台官方版下载,讲师



[ 主要研究方向








[ 开设课程




[ 近年的科研项目、专著与论文、专利、获奖


1. 湖北汽车工业学院博士科研启动项目:TiO2载体微环境Pt单原子电催化剂的影响研究2024.06至今,主持


[1] Wan Tongtao, Liu Shuming*, Evans Katelyn, Gerhardt Ashton, Li Jingde, Liu Guihua*, Zhang Zisheng*. Two-dimensional Co(OH)2/graphene oxide composite as an efficient multifunctional interlayer for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries[J]. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 265406.  (SCI二区).

[2] Wan TongtaoLiu Shuming,Wu Changcheng*,Tan Zhaoyang,Lin Shuanglong*,Zhang Xiaojie,Zhang Zisheng,Liu Guihua*. Rational design of Co nano-dots embedded three-dimensional graphene gel as multifunctional sulfur cathode for fast sulfur conversion kinetics[J]. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021,56:132-140. (SCI一区 TOP).

[3] Wan Tongtao, Yang Chenhui, Zhao Ximeng, Han Qinglin, Zhang Zisheng, Li Jingde, Du Xiaohang*, Sun Daolai*. Coordinated Co-NC/CoFe dual active centre embedded three-dimensional ordered macroporous framework as bifunctional catalyst for efficient and stable zinc-air batteries[J]. Nanotechnology, 2022, 33: 155404. (SCI三区).

[4] Wan Tongtao, Wang Enjie, Wu Changcheng, Li Jingde, Zhang Zisheng, Liu, Guihua. MOF-derived micro-mesoporous TiO2-based composite as sulfur host for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2022, 438: 141570. (SCI 二区 TOP).

[5] Wan Tongtao1, He Yusen1, He Zongke, Han Wenjia*, Zhang Yongguang*, Liu Guihua. Integrated host configuration of flexibly fibrous skeleton towards efficient polysulfide conversion and dendrite-free behavior in stable Li-S pouch cells[J]. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 83: 43-52. (SCI一区 TOP).(1此工作为共同一作完成)

[6] Wan Tongtao, Wang Hongyu, Wu Lanlan, Wu Changcheng, Zhang Zisheng, Liu Shuming*, Fu Jing Fu*, Li Jingde*, Niobium-doped conductive TiO-TiO2 heterostructure supported bifunctional catalyst for efficient and stable zinc-air batteries , Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023,651: 27-35.

[7] He Zongke1, Wan Tongtao1, Luo Yuhong, Liu Guihua*, Wu Lanlan, Li Fang, Zhang Zisheng, Li Gaoran*, Zhang Yongguang* Three-dimensional structural confinement design of conductive metal oxide for efficient sulfur host in Lithium-sulfur batteries[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 448: 137656. (SCI一区 TOP). (1此工作为共同一作完成)

[8] Zhang Kai1, Wan Tongtao1, Wang Hongyu, Luo Yuhong, Shi Yameng, Zhang Zisheng, Liu Guihua*, Li Jingde*,Decorated Oxidation-resistive deficient Titanium oxide nanotube supported NiFe-nanosheets as high-efficiency electrocatalysts for overall water splitting, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science , 2023, 645: 66–75. (SCI一区 TOP). (1此工作为共同一作完成)

[9] Zhang Xiao, Wan Tongtao, Jia Aizhong*, Li Jingde, Liu Guihua*, Sun Daolai, Wang,Yanji*. Graphene oxide-wrapped cobalt-doped oxygen-deficient titanium dioxide hollow spheres clusters as efficient sulfur immobilizers for lithium-sulfur batteries[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2021,397:139264. (SCI二区 TOP).

[10] Li Jing, Wan Tongtao, Li Jingde, Zhang Zisheng, Wang Yanji, Liu Guihua*. Three-dimensionally ordered mesoporous trimetal sulfide as efficient electrocatalyst for rechargeable zinc-air batteries[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 575: 151728 (SCI一区 TOP).

[11] Zhu Bo, Wan Tongtao, Li Jing, Meng Chuizhou*, Du Xiaohang, Liu Guihua*, Guan Yuming, Graphene-wrapped bimetallic nanoparticles bifunctional electrocatalyst for rechargeable Zn-air battery[J]. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2022, 927: 116946. (SCI 二区)

[12] Zhou, Jingzhu, Zhang, Dongsheng*, Wan, Tongtao, Wang, Xingbo, Liu, Guihua, Zhang, Yongguang*, Li, Jingde*, Wang, Yanji. Pomegranate-like conductive spherical composite as multifunctional cathode for high-performance lithium-sulfur battery[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 855: 157382. (SCI二区 TOP).





